Versatile Blogger Award

Pete Denton, over at, has been sweet enough to nominate me for a Versatile Blogger Award! As I understand it, the rules for accepting this award are as follows:

1. Thank the award-givers and link back to them in your post. Done.

2. Share 7 things about yourself. See below.

3. Pass this award along 15 or 20. Done.

4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award. Done.

So- 7 things about me you might not already know….

1.  I used to do a lot of bellydancing, including a couple of solos. Nothing gives you a bigger adrenalin rush than standing up in front of 350 strangers in a sequinned bra.

2.  I’ve lived on three continents, and traveled to 32 countries. Hope to add a few more!

3.  I prefer to make up recipes than follow them from a book, which is sometimes wonderful, sometimes appalling, but always unique.

4.  The only sport I can regularly watch is cricket, although I might be willing to make an exception for baseball if it were on TV here.

5.  I am a highly skilled, Class-A procrastinator. No job too big to put off.

6. I like to draw and paint, but don’t get enough time.

7. I don’t much like the colour black, and will only wear it when I have to.

I’d like to nominate the following bloggers for this award. They are listed in no particular order, and are all great sites. Please go an check them out! 🙂

Misprinted Pages

Whimsical Musings from an Anonymous Source

Free Page Numbers

The Flash Fiction Daily

Bucket List publications

Storytelling Nomad

The Weathered Journal

Sparks Fly Up

Bedside Table Books

Alecia Goodman

Year struck




Susan Kiernan-Lewis

Rosie Oliver

Storyteller in a Digital Age

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